Saturday, February 26, 2011

Video~ Quotes from A Coure in Miracles

A lovely video to remind us Who we are~  Peace.

Divine Perfection of the Universe

A year and a half ago, I was put into (what appeared to be at the time) an almost unrecoverable situation.  It was one of those times in life that one can hardly keep themselves afloat much less anything else in his/her life.  Everything in my world was turned upside and shaken until there wasn’t one crumb left of what I perceived as “normal” in my life.  My 100 year old oak tree roots were ripped from my stable ground as simply as a new weed growing in a garden.  I was thrown into a whirling tornado with hardly even a glance at my solid Earth.  My heart was broken, my home threatened, my children’s well-being rocked and my faith tested beyond belief.
          But through this all, I kept one thing in my mind…  This is happening “for me” not “to me”.  When life got tough in the past, there was always a beautiful rainbow to follow.  I knew this, and I grasped a hold of that with my feeble grasp and I wouldn’t let go for anything!  I’m not here to say it was perfectly easy…  I lost a lot of weight, I was beyond depressed and scared to death!  But my faith, my unwavering faith in God and the Universe steadied my ship and allowed me just enough peace to move forward with grace and hope.  I kept one hand on God, no matter what…
          Here it is a year and a half later and I am stronger and secured with deeper roots than I even had before.  I am joyful, peaceful and most of all I have grown like I couldn’t have imagined possible!  Sometimes God will do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves.  There is Divinity in everything that happens to us.  Everything… 
          The magic and miracles that have appeared in my life since then are too many to count!  I have often heard people saying after having survived life-altering events how they are actually grateful that it happened.  I understand this.  When one is brought to his/her knees that is when we truly get in touch with our Higher Selves and start to actually listen.  Before this time, we feel like we have everything in control when in truth, we really have no control.
           I encourage anyone who reads this that may be going through a difficult time in his/her life…  Get quiet, release, allow your Higher Power to work through and with you.  Rest in the truth that you are not alone.  You are loved and being guided to your joy.  Sometimes the house needs to be torn down and remodeled for this to happen.  But it can not happen without us letting go…  Are you standing in your own way?  Are you fighting “What Is”?  We can not change “What Is”- we can only accept it and move on with renewed strength, tenacity and Love!
          Blessings to all,  KB

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Be Ready for Your Divine Messages

On any given day, in any given moment, something could happen that opens up for you an entirely new path. Be still, be alert, be ready.     Marianne Williamson

In my moments of quiet: quiet mind, relaxed thoughts, beingness, that is when I hear the messages being sent my way.  Sometimes they are great AH-HA’s and sometimes they are little, Ohhhhhhh’s…  Everytime this happens, I think, you see, Kristen, you are quiet and you heard.  It is those still moments that our minds are open to allow all that Source wants for us to come in.  I get so excited and happy when this happens!
Now… maintaining that space in the happenings of everyday life, isn’t always that simple.  But I strive everyday to get back to that place of peace inside my head and heart.  Whether I have slowly ambled away or I have been jerked to the side by some sudden event, I now realize immediately- this does not feel good, I can not “think” clearly and I must find my center or I will be no good for anyone, especially myself.  Depending upon the enormity of the situation, it may take a day for me to get out of thoughts and back into the present.  But what is most important is that I strive to get back to the place of my center.
Our thoughts about past and future are merely clutter to our lives and disturbing to our connection to Source (God, Universe, What Is).  Are you willing to filter through the clutter, find your center and become a clear receiver for your Divine messages?   All it takes is to be willing…  And as always the universe is there to guide you to your desires. 

Projection Part 2: Are You a Projector?

     The flip side of being the recipient of projection is being the projector!  This is when we subconsciously project onto others our guilt feelings.  If you discover this about yourself, rejoice!  I know that sounds funny, but you have just opened up a whole new space of awareness and healing for yourself!  Discovering areas that need improvement is a good thing!  Isn’t it true that you want to show up in the world the best way you can?  Well, this is how.
         So with that being said, if you find yourself projecting your own attributes, thoughts or emotions onto someone else, good for you!  You have just opened up a brand new door into self-discovery.  Now is the time to get real and honest with self and allow yourself to morph into the person you truly want to be.
         For instance, if you are calling someone else “selfish”, stop for a moment and ponder, “Am I selfish?”  Is this my own guilt throwing this onto someone else?  Now, let’s say you answer yes.  Bravo!  I commend you for your personal honesty!  At this point you decide:  Is this how I want to be?  How can I attract people who aren’t selfish into my life if I am?  Do I like selfish people?  How am I going to change this?
         You have just started yourself on a beautiful path of enlightenment and growth!  We are all human.  We all have our wonderful traits as well as our shortcomings.  It’s ok, to not be perfect.  It’s ok to be human, but it’s even better to want to show up in the world as the best  person we can be at any given moment. 

Projection Part 1: When Someone Projects Onto You

Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person unconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others have those feelings.

             We hear this phrasing used so often these days.  Projection this and projection that.  The truth is, it’s a very real defense mechanism that the subconscious mind uses in order to avoid its own shortcomings etc.  Have you ever been in a situation where someone calls you something that is so far off of who you are?  Do you just look at them and think, who are you talking about?
         Before I came to understand the full workings of projection, I use to believe what others were saying.  I would take it in and try to change something that was not even mine. Ironically, it wouldn’t work, because it wasn’t mine to begin with.  As time went on and my awareness and education expanded, I am now more capable of spotting this and I make a conscious effort to not “own” anything that is not mine.
         When I recognize someone projecting onto me, I stay as fully open as I can (because sometimes it could be my behavior) and as the words come up, I evaluate each statement and I only take accountability for what is mine.  I actually had this happen last night.  The person I was dealing with last night had so much personal guilt over a situation that she attempted to try to put that on me.  What she was feeling inside, she started blaming me for.  It’s difficult not to get upset when someone “sees” you so differently from who you are, but if you remember they are subconsciously doing it, maybe your approach and understanding of the situation will diffuse heavy emotion from creeping in and clouding up the situation.
         The key is to stay rational. Allow them to speak and then calmly say something like,  “That is not mine.  I believe you are speaking from your own place.  Please don’t attempt to put that on me.”  If you are dealing with a somewhat rational person, and you can remain calm, that will usually do the trick!  Because deep inside they know it’s not truly you, it’s them.
         This was something that took me awhile to get good at.  I’m by no means a master, but when I can come from a clear place of knowing and peace, I immediately recognize what is mine and what is not.  It takes strength and confidence to stand behind yourself and it takes peace and calm to diffuse a situation, allow the truth to surface and let the healing begin.   J

Friday, February 18, 2011

What is Sadness Telling You?

What is sadness?  Have you questioned your sadness?  Where is the beginning of it and where is it’s end?  Sadness is merely an emotion telling you that something is missing.  It’s a signal to go inside and find that empty space and fill it up.
Sometimes I find myself sad for what I perceived for no apparent reason.  I decided to look a little further, go deeper and uncover the beginning of this sadness.  I’m not speaking about sadness over a death or something momentous in our lives, just a routine moment of sadness that we all encounter at one time or another.
When I take a moment to self-reflect, to go deeper into the sadness, I am usually quite surprised by what comes from that.  First, I discover that my reason is not as big or strong as this emotion feels.  Secondly, I find that by brushing away the dirt (the surrounding thoughts) that accompany my sadness, fresh light is brought unto it and the heavy emotion starts to fade.
Are you a person that finds yourself sad from time to time for some unbeknownst reason?  Are you willing to take a moment and look further?  I believe you can find your peace just under the surface.  It’s not far, it’s just one layer beyond the sadness.  Remember, we are what we think about.  Bring it all up into the fresh air, release the sadness and replace it with joyful thoughts that bring you peace. 
From my heart to yours…

Thursday, February 17, 2011


We use to sit in his car talking for hours.  My soul connected to his at the sweet age of 17.  Two people who were not in an intimate relationship but felt one another’s goodness and love.  I remember always being comfortable in his presence and wondering why I wasn’t dating him instead of my current boyfriend.  He was the one I had the connection with.  He was the one that moved my soul.  The truth is I had met him through my boyfriend.  He was my boyfriend’s friend and that was a place I would not go.
Years and years pass… actually decades.  There are marriages, children, moves and job changes.  He lived in my memories as one of the most genuine people I have ever met.  I reminisced about those times with him with such fondness. 
        It’s been 25 odd years since I saw my friend.  Last night I had the opportunity to see him.  It was supposed to be 3 of us, but it ended up only him and me.  We locked eyes for 3.5 hours and talked like no time had passed at all.  My soul linked right up to his like it always had done.  There was so much to say- so much to catch up on.  Why was it that I really didn’t even have to speak, but just stare at him and share his energy?  It was as though no words needed to be said, but were said anyway.  How is it that I could see him after so many years and feel so perfectly comfortable?  It was as if my soul immediately recognized his and was jumping for joy at the same time feeling safe and secure.
        After my boyfriend and I broke up, I was broken hearted.  My friend and I would go out and do things, but it was in the friend way.  One night he asked my permission to kiss me.  I said, yes and he did.  Although it was only a slow little peck on the lips, to this day it remains the sweetest kiss I have ever received.  I remember seeing him sit back in the driver’s seat and look at me and whisper, “Wow…”.  Nothing more, nothing less…  Just “Wow…”.  It was the first time in my life I had truly felt seen, heard and felt for who I truly was/am.
Last night, I had the same feeling from him.  I thought, wow, he still “sees” me…  Even through all the stories of my life’s trials, he still sees me
John, I am forever grateful to have you reappear in my life.  For whatever reason, for however long…  You are so beautiful in mind, body and Spirit.    Thank you…

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My TV Segment- Feb. 14, 2011

      Once again I had the honor of speaking on a morning television show here in Phoenix, AZ.  Being that many of us wish to enhance our lives with a romantic partner but are struggling to find one, I wrote my segment on how to attract the perfect mate for you.  It's important to always remember though, that YOU are your first love and a loving partner is only a bonus.  :)   
     May you find the love of your life if you haven't already.  Peace, KB

Monday, February 14, 2011

Assuming What Others are Thinking

         When we assume what others are thinking we are setting the stage for drama.  We interact with them based on what we think they think about us when we truly have no idea.  Would you be open to the idea that you really do not know what others are thinking?  Would you be willing to throw out the thoughts that are only assumptions in your mind?  Imagine how wonderful it would feel to not be attached to what you believe someone to be thinking about you!
         One day I found myself wondering why I feel uncomfortable around a certain group of people?  Why is it that I seem to shrink in the company of them?  I meditated on this and paid attention to my messages and I got my answer!  Because I had a belief in my head what I thought they were thinking.  I attached to that belief and my behavior reflected exactly that belief!  I had told myself stories of how they viewed me and I believed it!  Whoa!!  Big awareness for me!  So I dug even deeper…
Why do I think that this is what they think about me?  How did I come up with that conclusion in the first place?   Hmmmm…       Meditation and prayer later…  Because that is what I thought about me!  Let me say that again:  I was subconsciously judging myself and projecting it onto them.  So what I was beating myself up over, I believed the world to be judging me in the same way.  Wow…  Wow… and Wow! 
It wasn’t until I had someone do this to me-  Assume they knew how I felt or what I was thinking- that I realized I had been doing that as well to that certain group.  So I decided that a great forward movement would be to not assume the worst.  In fact, I did the opposite!  I chose to believe I was very loved and accepted by them and Bam!  everything changed!
Relationships are all about us and how we show up to them.  If you find yourself struggling with someone, take an honest moment to go within and ask yourself, “How can I view this situation with Love instead of Fear?”  And then watch in fascination as “your change/love” transforms the world around you!

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Ah-ha Moment and Divine Message

So I had a personal ah-ha moment today of something I wanted to implement into my life.  I thought- Wow, this would be a great New Year’s intention, but that has already passed…  I then decided (at that second) that we can make a decision for transformation at anytime, anyplace. Why wait to make a change when all we really have is right now?  I later hopped on Facebook and saw this quote from a best-selling author:

“Transformation is an instant-moment thing, open to us and available to us in any and every second. Life starts anew when you say it does. Remember always that you are not your past.”        Neale Donald Walsch

This is what I talk about when I say everything is connected.  Everything IS connected.  In some way, some form, we are all connected.  This quote was a direct message to me saying, “Yes, Kristen!  That is a great idea and you can decide to transform anything in your life at anytime!”  When I get these messages I always smile outloud and shake my head and think- Well, there you have it!

I invite you all to pay attention to your messages.  They are everywhere, all of the time!  God (Source, Universe,) is always sending us messages.  No one person is any more special than anyone else.  We ALL get our messages.  Are you listening to yours?  J

We are Humanbeings Not Humandoings

Seems to me every single day I am learning something more amazing. I walk through my days in fascination of this world we live in. When we are mindful during our days, when we can stay fully present in all situations, it allows our minds to quiet and the awareness that comes in is remarkable!  By doing this, I have come to the realization how truly connected we all are. The connection between us grows more and more obvious as the days pass.  I have found strings of connection in almost everyone I meet or everything I do.  There are no coincidences.  And even if I knew and lived this before, it is now more powerful than ever.
          By keeping my thoughts out of the past or future, I have created space for new growth and knowledge.  I literally learn something fantastic every single day.  I have grown tremendously and am loving it!  Just when I thought I had a huge grip on “what is”, a whole new door opened and another fascinating world revealed itself to me.  Are you ready to open up your world and embrace a new awareness like never before?
          Being a person of high energy and production, I found the idea of slowing down the mind to be something for people that were less motivated in their lives.  I believed I had to be working constantly to get to my goals.  Contrarily, I have learned that I was so full with thinking and planning I was not allowing space for new knowledge or truly enjoying my life.  I discovered that the benefits of learning to be outweighed my constant production.  It has been said many times, “We are human beings not human doings.”  I understood the concept but didn’t really practice that in my life.  Probably, because I thought I already was doing it on some level because I meditate regularly.  I was not.  Meditation is different than living in the NOW. 
          I know many people will think, “But I have to do these things.  I have to work my butt off for this and this reason.”  Yes, we do have responsibilities.  We do have to work to live.  We do have to parent.  But, would you be willing to do it with more mindfulness?  Would you be willing to stay present as you trudge through your responsibilities?  Would you be willing to allow your mind to get quiet- knowing you can not control the future nor the past- knowing that all you really have is right this very moment?   Are you willing to become an empty vessel that can be filled with new insights, messages and revelations?  If you are too busy doing what you believe you should be to reach a goal, try being instead and watch the glory unfold all around you!
          I encourage you all to try this on!  Make a conscious effort to be.  Know that no amount of doing is going to make you any happier.  Doing is only saying, “I’m not going to be happy until this happens!”.  Isn’t it time to be happy right now?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thank You, My Friend

Thank you for “seeing” me, my friend.
Thank you for holding space for me through all my life’s trials. 
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for taking the good with the not so good .
Thank you for reminding me who I am when I have lost touch with that.
Thank you for encouraging my steps when I am weary.
Thank you for never doubting me.
Thank you for seeking to understand and not judge.
Thank you for your Love.
Thank you for being you…
I Love You J

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Driving With the Brakes On

"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life."
n     Mary Manin Morrissey

This quote reminds me of a song by Del Amitri called “Driving With the Brakes On”.  The first time I heard that song, I felt sad for the person who was living it.  It seems as though he was wanting so much more or something different for his life but was afraid to move forward.  He was moving forward with trepidation.  He was unsure of his choice and wanted desperately not to hurt anyone.  But he eventually made his decision and later sings, “But unless the moon falls tonight- Or if continents collide- Nothing’s going to make me- Break from her side.”  At this point in the song, his voice raises, the instruments get louder and one can hear the passion come soaring through his vocals. 
He had been spending so much time thinking and worrying over his past that he was “driving with the brakes on”.  He wasn’t living.  He was caught up in emotions and events that no longer served him.  He was letting guilt drive him rather than self-love.  But when he finally made his decision and only looked forward, the passion and vigor returned to his life…
Are you driving with the brakes on?  Are you swimming with your boots on?  Are you willing to let go, release old pain and fear and allow renewed energy to take you soaring?  All it takes is to be willing.  The universe will take care of the rest.  It’s time to live for you!  It’s time to enjoy your dreams and live your best life!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Lovin the NOW!

     My New Year's Intention was to live in the present moment.  Not the past, not the future...  Right now...  As I have adopted this into my life there has been so many positive changes!  It makes me wonder why I had not done this sooner. 
     The past couple weeks have been filled with a whirling drama of sorts brought into my life by people outside my circle, but who affect my world nonetheless.
     By embracing the NOW, I have discovered that I can deal with what is happening at the moment with increased clarity and peace.  I can allow for life's inescapable dramas to pop up without falling prey to the lower emotions and negativity that can oftentimes accompany that.
     I also discovered that by speaking my complete truth without fretting over how it will be received, but with honesty and integrity, I can move through these happenings with grace and peace.  Not being a person who cares for confrontation, speaking my truth was not a common practice for me.  But when faced with a situation where I needed to speak up and having the courage to do so, I discovered an immediate release of inner tension. 
     By wanting nothing else but the current moment, by enjoying the seconds and minutes as they arrive, I have found a clarity befall my life like never before.  By staying present, I don't carry around the worries as before.  This is not to say I am inhuman or don't feel what is going on, I still do, I only move through it more quickly.
     The hurtful situation I was put in did not put a stranglehold on me.  I no longer tried to rationalize "the why" I just accepted it as NOW and moved on.  I was able to come back to center quickly and get back to what matters most to me.
     I invite you all to bring the NOW into your life.  What amazing transformations you will discover!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Checking in with my New Year's Intention: Wow!

So the last week of 2010 I pondered what would be the most beneficial intention for me in 2011.  Hmmmm…..  Finally I came up with “living totally in the NOW”.  For me, this meant enjoying the little things and being fully present when my children or parents are talking to me and basically just slowing down a bit.  I thought it would merely help me to enjoy the smaller things in life and to show up more complete for my family.  Boy, was I in for a surprise!

It is now day 34 into my New Year’s Intention and my life has shifted in ways I had no idea it would!

1.     My creativity took off!  I couldn’t believe it!  The juices started flowing and there is no stopping me!  I feel like I am riding a bike downhill with my legs outstretched and my hair blowing freely.  It has been the most amazing feeling…  Weeeeee!
2.    The joy!  Oh… my… gosh…  I have finally landed into a place of pure joy.  No matter what is going on around me, no matter who is acting up, I can remain in my joyful place.  I may be rocked a bit at first, but returning to homeostasis is so easy now!  I no longer hold onto stress like I use to.  I realize that only love matters no matter what.
3.     Doors opening!  Who knew that “staying in the NOW” would manifest doors opening?  I believe it’s because when we stay fully present (not worrying over our futures or pasts) and we completely show up to this moment, WE DON’T MISS ANYTHING!  Our mind is clear and open to seeing/feeling/hearing everything around us.  It’s like a whole new awareness!  And we only focus on the areas that our desires reside in thus manifesting just that!  Fascinating!
4.    Everyday is Disneyland!  This is the one shift that still has me amazed…  I have literally found that I go to bed every night…  get this…  excited for tomorrow!  And when I say excited, I mean excited!  I have an anticipation of-  Yay!  What new thing is going to happen tomorrow!  I literally feel like each new day is going to hold some kind of magic for me and I wait in excited anticipation!

Who knew that by merely “Staying in the NOW” would change my life in so many fascinating ways!  I am literally blown away.  I chose my intention to help me stay focused rather than lost in my own thoughts, and to my great surprise, I received that and so much more! 

My invitation to you is this:  Practice staying in the NOW.  This means being fully present in all areas of your life no matter what it is you are doing.  Driving, cleaning the toilet, exercise, eating.  Stay fully present.  Enjoy every single moment and see what magic happens for you!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Changing Your Thinking

How many times have we heard the phrase, “you just need to change your thinking.”  Is it that easy?  I often hear this feedback:  “If it’s that easy, why am I having such a hard time changing my thinking?”  For some, it may just be that easy, but for most people, attempting to change years and years of hurtful thoughts and beliefs can seem impossible.  The Law of Attraction states that we attract to ourselves that which we think about.  Although it may seem a daunting task, it is do-able and the rewards will astound you! 
          The first step to better thinking is by merely being “willing to feel better”.  Remember, any lasting change starts with the basics.  If you are at least willing to feel better, the universe immediately sets ideal things into motion to help you accomplish just that!  It’s about getting down to the foundation and working oneself upward.  If you are willing to think thoughts that feel good, you are on your path to manifesting your desires!
          Sometimes it can really feel impossible to change our habitual, negative thoughts into positive ones.  It can feel like you are lying to yourself.  It can feel so foreign that you throw out the concept altogether and give up!  Let me encourage you, after awhile, the new thought starts to grow roots and we automatically feel more comfortable with the new thought than the old thought!  Consecutively, your energy will start to vibrate at a much a higher level and you have just put yourself in perfect alignment with what it is you want! 
When your thoughts become clear and positive, when you know what it is you wish to manifest into your life and when you feel good about where you want to be, that is the time that the universe becomes linear with your mind and the manifestation process of your desires will begin!
Happy thinking!  KB