Friday, February 10, 2012

What Underlying Belief is Holding You Back?

Each and every one of us have underlying beliefs about ourselves that serve as huge roadblocks in manifesting a wonderful, fulfilling life.  Way deep inside we have attached onto a belief or judgment (about self) and have projected that belief into the outside world about who we are and how people will perceive us.  Somewhere inside we feel unworthy or undeserving of good things in our lives and we sabotage ourselves by keeping this fear deeply hidden. The problem here is that it is our belief, not the world’s belief.  We have created this roadblock ourselves.  In moving forward in life with purpose and power, we must be willing to take a good, long, deep look at what it is that is stopping us.  We must be open to uncovering the sneaky little belief that is creating fear in us and that is keeping us frozen in place and stealing our joy. 
Recently, I have consulted with several people who have been holding themselves back from living their greatness by holding onto certain beliefs.  Examples of this are:

I have been divorced twice.  I am tainted and no one will want me.
I am overweight and I won’t be taken seriously.
I am not good enough for the area of town I live in.
I am weak because I have to use a blind cane.
I should have been married with children by now.

Each one of these people is amazing with excellent work ethic, integrity and morals.  However, they are holding themselves back through a belief that they have formulated in their own minds and have made into their own Law of Society.  In all three of these scenarios, what they were projecting was just not true.  Period.
When we unconsciously attach onto a belief, it is sometimes hard to recognize.  We are not quite sure what is holding us back.  We only know that we feel stuck and we are unhappy.  By paying close attention to your emotions and anxiety levels, you can identify what is causing your lower emotion and bring this belief up into the light where you can examine it, question it and eventually move past it.  This takes diligence on your part.  By really wanting peace and happiness, we must be willing to do the work required to move ourselves forward.  Once discovering the belief, change your thought into the exact opposite of the original belief.  For example:  My weight does not determine my self worth.  I am strong because I am using my blind cane.  By repeating the mantra in moments of distress, you CAN and WILL move past your block.  Awareness is the key to emotional healing.  In this, I wish you much awareness on your journey!
Many blessings!  Kristen Brown

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