Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unconditional Love Means Letting Go

What is unconditional love?  The standard of society claims to love unconditionally, but do they?  Loving unconditionally means loving  UN-CON-DIT-ION-ALLY.  It means loving someone no matter what.  It means honoring the light and God love that is in each and every one of us regardless of their behavior or weaknesses.  It’s about loving someone for who they are not for what they can bring to us.  It’s about honoring another’s path and allowing them the freedom to do what is best for them not what we believe to be best for them.
         During my “Growth Year” (which I tenderly refer to a very difficult time in my life), this was one of the main lessons I learned.  Loving unconditionally is easy for me in most areas but difficult for me in the area of a romantic relationship.  I had met and quickly fell in love with a beautiful man who I thought to be ‘the one’.  He held every attribute I could name that I wanted in a partner.  I thought I had won the lottery!  I don’t fall in love easily and have a high standard for who I allow in.  I was sure that this was my reward for all the strife I had been through.
         Many months, countless amazing times and oodles of soul connection later, the relationship ended.  I felt like I had been hit with a 2 x 4!  This could not be happening!  But I was so sure!  He was my hero, he was my twin flame!  I could feel his goodness and love.  Paradoxically, what the relationship provided for him was a light on all of his fearful places.  Places within himself that he needed to heal.  He started to recognize these areas and saw the way his behavior effected me (and others in his life) and knew he had to work on this FIRST to be able to show up fully for a relationship.
         I mentally kicked and screamed my entire way out.  The idea of not having him in my life was so painful.  I did not want to believe that this was happening.  It just couldn’t be…  I subconsciously hung on for months hoping something would change.  But I later realized, that to love him unconditionally was to let him go with Love and not with sadness,anger or any other emotion.  It would only serve my Ego to bring up all the conversations and broken words.  It would only serve my Ego to attempt to instill guilt.  I love him enough to want what is best for him and if that is to not be with me, then so it is.  To love something is to let it go…  It is allowing personal freedom to those whom we love so they may find themselves and honor their own paths (no matter who they are in our lives).  I finally understood what that meant and I was willing to do just that.  Contrarily, I also came to realize this was the best thing for me as well.  I had areas in myself that needed attention and healing as well. The timing just wasn’t right... and I honor him for knowing this in the forefront. 
         He still creeps into my mind and I see/hear reminders of him all of the time.   Instead of feeling sad or some other low emotion, I smile and know that I was graced with a beautiful soul to assist me in this life.  For that, I will be forever grateful.  I then picture him encased in brilliant white light, I tell him I love him and I send him away.
I Let Go….


  1. You are so very wise. What a beautiful way to explain unconditional love. I think that unconditional love is the hardest kind.

  2. that is so true.
    such love is not actually hard. you just feel it within yourself and not something you cultivate. you just feel it :-)

  3. Thanks for your marvelous posting! I actually enjoyed reading it, you will be a great author.UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

  4. Thank you, Ben! That means a lot being that is my dream! Peace, Kristen Brown

  5. Thank you for share. Though we all have different paths we experience many similarities. And your path enlightens those of us who have identcal experiences. I use what you wrote here as a lamppost for my path.
