Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to Handle a Tough Day

A Tough Day

Everything is going alright then all at once, Bam!  We feel sad, down or depressed,  perhaps even disappointed or angry.  These feelings are incredibly uncomfortable and we squirm in our seats trying to get them off of us!  But they are lingering… sticking… and it feels so gross.  What to do? How do we stop this downward spiral?
There is so much information about this topic out in the world today.  People will throw everything at us from take a pill- to you just need to get out more- to you’re just being a baby! What I will say is if we are truly honest with ourselves, we all have these moments on some level or another.  The good news is, there are things we can do to move through them with grace and come out the other side smiling again.

  1. Vent it out-  Share your feelings.  Dig deep into your inner being and uncover the thought or belief that is initiating these unwanted emotions.  There is always a thought behind any emotion.  Always…  Be willing to dig that sucker up, look at it and feel it fully for what it is.  And then be willing to release it.  You have now released the pressure building inside, become aware of the troubling thought or belief and since you’ve uncapped the blinding, overpowering emotion of it, you are better able to turn the thought around and find your way back to productivity again.
  2. Cry-  Crying is a natural pressure release valve that we are beautifully designed with.  Who doesn’t feel better after a good cry?  The hormones released during a good cry serve us perfectly.  Don’t be afraid of what others will think,  let ‘er rip!  Again, this is a great way to clear out the building pressure so you may see the situation, thought or belief clearly and plan a forward movement whether it be merely a change in perception around a situation or an actual action plan.
  3. Be gentle with yourself-  No matter what topic I am writing about or speaking about, I always mention this.  Being gentle with ourselves is most imperative in moving forward in our lives with a healthy self-esteem.  And a healthy self-esteem helps us to make better decisions and plan clearly for our futures!  Allow yourself the “off” day.  They happen.  Sometimes we can stop them and sometimes we can’t.  You are human and you are in process.  It’s ok to have a step back while on your path forward.  To judge yourself, is only to put negativity where you are growing.
  4. Don’t overdue it-  Allow yourself this time to express, but do not stay stuck in it.  Staying stuck in anything for too long is to become stale and worn.  We will become stagnant and our negativity will usually progress!  This is where our courage comes in and it’s the time for a little self-talk,  “Ok, I had a very bad moment, but now I am putting a smile on my face and jumping right back into the game!  I will succeed!  I got this!  I am strong and I will persevere.”
  5. Be grateful- No matter what, we all have something to be grateful for.  In low moments, grasping hold of those wonderful things in our lives lifts us up!  It shows us that all is not lost.  This might not be where I’d like to be, but for now, I have this and this and this!  Celebrate the wonders your life does have and remember, when we focus on the positive in our life, our energy shifts and we attract more positive to us.

In conclusion, allow yourself an “off” day but do the work it takes to move through it.  You are ok.  You are human and you will get through this but you are the only person who can make this happen!  Many Blessings Always!  Kristen Brown

Sunday, January 22, 2012

All it Takes is a Little Courage

I have come to know and understand the importance of courage better than ever before in my life. In my experience, courage ranks up there with faith and love. Although there are many levels of fear, this article centers around the fear of change or the fear of stepping into one's true potential and greatness. So often in life we hold ourselves back from living our true authenticity because we are afraid of what someone else will think about us or if we will be received well. I ask you this: If you knew that your authentic self was a gift to the world, would you go ahead and step up? Without an answer, I can know that you probably would!

After overcoming a dramatic life event, I discovered fear ruling my life. My self-esteem was in the toilet and my hopes and dreams were blown apart. Everywhere I turned there was some fear blocking my path! It was through my desire to get back on top and find my joy again that my courage emerged. Even when we are in our darkest hours, we still have that light burning inside. I took what little bit of light I still had and I kept feeding it until it grew larger and larger. Eventually I found the courage to take steps forward toward a better future. I began joining groups and taking part in outings that I would have shied away from due to my low self-esteem. I had daily, sometimes hourly, conversations with myself to encourage this movement. I treated myself gently and I said positive affirmations over and over again even if at the time I didn't even believe my own words! Miraculously, my life slowly, but SURELY, shifted, moved, twisted, turned and changed! My new life began to emerge like a phoenix from the ashes. It seemed the more courage I had, the more movement I initiated and the more movement I initiated the more courage I had! It was a win-win situation. Peace began to descend over me and I began to find my true joy once again.

Friends, life is not over when something big takes us down for awhile. Although we may get banged up a bit, our true beauty and essence is still there! The light inside can never be extinguished. It takes just a little bit of courage to get back up and once you are up, claim the magnificence that you are and continue your path forward! You have everything you need to manifest a beautiful life. All it takes is a little courage.
Kristen Brown is a transformational and spiritual life coach and author who has overcome and experienced many of life's unwanted situations. To work with Kristen is exhilarating and inspiring. Her ability to hold neutral space while helping one work through his/her fears and blocks is remarkable.