Friday, December 24, 2010

My Holiday Letter

Dear my friends and family,
Whew!  What a hectic year this has been...  I will be honest in saying, I will be one happy girl to put 2010 behind me.  Although, I am leaving it with a feeling of gratitude for all the good things that came out of it.  For every trial, a lesson is learned and more is gained.    I will always consider 2010 my "strength" year.  Wow, it makes me tear up to even write that.
I stand in continued awe of the love around me and all that I have.  Every single one of you have contributed to this beautiful life I live and I am forever grateful to call you my friends and family.
I also wanted to stand in gratitude for all my dears who have made it successfully through their health issues this year.  I assure you, you are amazing people and I hold you up to the light everyday.
My children are blossoming at full speed and changing as rapidly as the days pass.  I sometimes find myself just staring in amazement at the beauty of their souls.  I'm excited to see what awesome things this New Year brings for them.  :)
I have set several empowering intentions for the New Year and invite  you all to do the same.   May we all flourish with abundance and love in 2011!  Woot!  Woot!
I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Kristen and Happy New Year! You are an inspiration.
