While in conversation with a client today she said this profound statement to me in regards to her lack of enthusiasm over her career: “I make sh** that folds!” What a perfect title for an article about not living in our passion. Of course, I laughed! But, the context of this statement was centered around the fact that she is a professional graphic artist and is in a career that holds no passion for her. She chose graphic art school because she is a talented artist, but to make money in the field she followed the path of designing brochures and pamphlets for companies. This was ok for awhile but several years into it, she felt bored, non-stimulated and work became tedious.
What really spoke to her was the medical profession. She longed for a career in nursing. She spoke on and on to me about how she would feel “caring for others”. Those 3 words were spoken over and over again. I don’t think she even realized how many times she said it. What felt good on her lips and in her heart was “caring for others”. My client has 2 wonderful young children, a husband and a very busy life, but she understood the importance of enjoying her working and living her passion so she decided to go for it! She worked very hard to get her prerequisite courses finished and has just applied to the nursing school at ASU.
I could feel the peace and excitement all around her today. I could see how beautifully this was all falling into place and how soon, she would be working in a career that spoke passionately to her. I loved hearing her story and I know she will be one awesome RN! When we choose a career centered around something that moves us, work can seem like play!
Is there something in your life that speaks passionately to you? Is there something that seems to be calling your name? Are you willing to at least explore this area? Are you willing to take it just one little step further and investigate this passion that is calling to you? You have all the power within to change your world! Is it time?
Go explore!
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