Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trusting Your Inner Voice


This is a topic close to my heart.  I would not call myself a psychic, but I would say that the Universe speaks to me, as it does to all of us.  It is merely a matter of if we are listening.  It has been said over and over throughout history, my gut told me this, my heart told me that, this is what our inner voice is.  It is intuition.  It is Spirit moving through us and speaking to us.  It is leading us to greater things and forewarning us of possible dangers.  It is a gentle guidance and loving nudge.
     Many, many times in my life I have heard a message and hit the VOID button.  Either I did not like what I was hearing or I discounted the message because it just was not loud enough.  For me Spirit speaks to me in "whispers".  They are not literal auditory whispers, but small, quiet, peaceful messages that come into my awareness during my moments of peace.  When I was younger I received a lot during my driving hours.  The car was quiet and comfortable and I think the subtle vibration of the car lulled me into somewhat of a meditative state.
     As I got older and my car was full of kids most of the time, I lost that connection and soon learned the wonderful art of meditation and quiet awareness time.  I now try to stay in that state as much as possible to allow me to be guided through my life by Spirit.  The times I deviated away from it and let my Ego and mind chatter get to loud, I would start to lose touch with my flow and things would start to get crazy around me.  (That's another blog post!)
     This one is about being aware of that voice, those messages.  For example,  when I was a little girl, probably about 9 years old, my mom had a male friend who wanted to take me to the Ice Capades with him, his daughter and a couple other kids.  I had met him once prior.  Even though I loved my Momma so much and wanted so badly to please her, I said "I don't want to go!"  Keep in mind, I was raised with 4 brothers and a very frugal father.  The Ice Capades was something of a dream for me being I would not have had the opportunity to go within my own family, but still that was not enough to make me want to go.  My Momma kept asking me why and the only thing I could say was, "I just don't want to.  I don't like him."  My dear, wonderfully naive Momma sent me anyway.
     I went...  I sat in the backseat behind the man.  I DID NOT want to be there.  I DID NOT want to even look at him!  What was this feeling?  Why didn't I like him?  He was nice to me.  He gave me things.  He was a father.  I did not know what I was feeling and I was very confused.  During the drive, he asked me and several other kids in the car if we'd like to go to Disneyland with him?  A huge cheer went up and all the kids screamed "I do!!"  I sat quietly in the backseat and said, "I don't."
     After getting to the show and seating all the kids, he asked me to go get popcorn with him.  Being the well-mannered little girl I was, I went.  He sat me down outside Veteran's Memorial Coliseum for 2 hours and grilled me as to why I didn't want to go to Disneyland.  When I finally got to my seat inside, the lights flipped on and the show was over.  I had missed the whole thing.
     Some years later I learned this man was a convicted Pedophile and was currently serving many years in prison.  He had actually moved to Arizona to escape the same charge in another state, but it eventually caught up with him.
     My intuition had been warning me.  It was a soft message, but it was reoccurring and it was speaking to me loud and clear.  Danger!  Get away!  But being so young and not sure of what I was sensing, I couldn't explain to my mom what I was feeling.  A valuable lesson was learned from that for both me and my Momma.  When I later became a mother, I emphasized to my children (and still do) to "feel" their way through life.  When in doubt, get quiet and let the answer flow through you.  It is not always the answer we are hoping for, but it is always the right answer.
     Although this story sounds bad, it is something I consider good in my history.  There was no harm done and I do not blame my mother for not knowing.  She was doing the very best she knew how. But something I do want to emphasize is how intuition also tells us of good things!  The point is to get centered, clear away mind chatter and just be.  Spirit's messages are right there for you!  Listen and follow...
And so it is...

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