Sunday, November 28, 2010

Again With the "Let Go"...

Lately, I have been putting some new spiritual concepts into practice/place...  I kept "looking" to see how my progress was/is...  I started to feel frustrated and everytime I peeked out, I felt as though I was taking a step backward.  It was a very strange sensation and I didn't understand it!  I asked for guidance from Spirit and low and behold this was in my inbox.  I receive daily quotes from the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks via Abraham.  Here is what it said:

"The need to see the immediate evidence of progress is the most significant hindrance to most people. When you attempt to take score of your progress too soon, you move further from the results you seek."

It still continues to amaze me how the universe is so ready and willing to answer our prayers and questions...  That was just what I needed to hear!  Once again, my message was "just let go...".


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