Monday, November 15, 2010

Naysayers in our Lives

     Have you ever had a really good idea or inspiration that you shared with someone else only to be faced with a look of doubt, scorn or negativity?  They couldn't possibly see themselves stepping outside their comfort zones therefore they look at others like they are "nuts" to even think about taking a risk.  They put their fears and doubts onto us and we oftentimes believe them.  These people are the naysayers in our lives.  They can stop us dead in our tracks, steal our enthusiasm and excitement and hold us back.  True? Only if we let them.....  :)
     Spirit speaks to us all individually.  Spirit also has a different plan for each and every one of us.  What may be presented to one person may be the complete opposite of what may be presented to another.  We are all unique individuals.  We have different personalities, talents and gifts.  To allow someone else's opinion to guide us is just that...  an opinion.  The real truth lies in what is good for you and only you and Spirit can know that.  Trusting Spirit and having faith in ourselves is the sure way to bliss.
     How do we do this, you might ask....  It starts with embracing all of who you are.  You are a perfectly perfect child of God who has been blessed with his/her own special gifts and talents.  Connect with who you are.  Believe in yourself and the messages being sent your way.  As we can not truly know for another what their path is, they can not truly know for us....  Trust your deep inner knowing and allow yourself to follow your divine path without anyone telling you "you can't do that!" or  "are you kidding me?"  Your life is between you and God.  Don't believe the naysayers that want to hold you back.  It's time to live your best life!

Note:  I feel it important to say, I'm speaking merely of following guidance for bettering one's life.  Taking the urges and hunches we get to go after our dreams and/or goals without letting others deflate our desires.  This is not to condone or excuse unsafe or unkind behavior for self or others.  Thank you. 

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