Wednesday, November 10, 2010


“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”          Lewis B.  Smedes

…to set a prisoner free…   You may ask yourself:  What does this mean?  How can I apply this to my life?  Is there someone I’m needing to forgive and I am choosing not to?

Fellow souls,  forgiveness is not an act of weakness it is an act of strength.  To hold onto a past hurt or grievance is only to carry pain and fear in our hearts.  We mistakenly believe we are punishing the offender when we are truly only punishing ourselves.   We believe that by holding on we are in control of a situation where we once felt out of control.  We bind ourselves to the past and are unable to move forward with wholeness through our lives.

Some of us are still steadfastly unwilling to forgive.  Would it be even a possibility for those of you to at least take a brief glimpse into it?  Would you be willing to at least look at the possibility of your personal freedom through forgiveness?  If the answer is yes, please try this:
“I am willing to take at a look at forgiving_________for ________.”

This mere suggestion to the Universe lets it know you are at least willing to look at the possibility of moving forward.  It shows you are tired of being bound to the past and harboring the ugly inside.   The Universe will then start aligning things for you to find this peace.

Let go…  Bring your freedom back…  Don’t go on one more day allowing your power and energy to be taken from you.  Embrace forgiveness…  Embrace healing!                                Namaste’

1 comment:

  1. i am truely trying to forgive many i release them one at a time......i let go of them and no longer give them power..........

    it is a ork in progress, thank you , once again you assist me to see through the fog.....
