Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stress! How to break it down

Definition of stress as proposed by Miriam Webster Dictionary via Google:
          A state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tends to alter an existing equilibrium.
When one “stresses” it is due to the allowances of outside factors to influence the calm or equilibrium in one’s mental state.  It’s about an overload of information and or tasks that are not readily placed into the appropriate departments in our minds and/or our days.  It can mean worrying over things that we cannot control as well as bringing in worries that should be dealt with at a later date.
Broken down, a stressful day for me is when I allow circumstances beyond my control to wreak havoc in my mind.  It’s about a degree of disorganization both mentally and physically.  It’s the time when I lose touch with my center and allow everything to spin wildly out of control. 
What to do?  Ahhhh…. Take a moment…  One may say, "But I don’t have time!"  It does not take very long to take a moment, get out of the hairiness and reevaluate the “stressors” in your life. This will allow simplification and/or clarity.
1.     Make a list of the stressors.  Feel free to make it as long as you want.  Go down the list and ask yourself what is imperative to take care of today, right this minute and what can wait a little longer? 
2.     Take the items that you have isolated as imperative and go down that list.  Simplify further. Which item(s) require the utmost priority?  Again mark the items that need attention now and focus in that area. 
3.     Put the focus and attention on those particular items.  Accomplish these tasks first.
4.     Take careful consideration to handle one thing at a time.  A half-way accomplished item will only factor stress back in.
My Thoughts:  What I have learned is I am no good for anything or anyone when I am running crazy and jumping from one thing to the next.  I have started a new pattern of stopping, breaking it down and handling one item at a time.  A schedule book and/or a running list helps tremendously with this!
Additionally, I have learned that the outcome is going to happen no matter what and my sanity (LOL) and peace during these moments are what really matter to me.  I wish to show up in the world in the highest way possible and if I allow the craziness to take hold of me, I am unable to do this.
Peace  J


  1. Stress can help us overcome a difficult situation. On the other hand, excessive stress can be fatal to our health.

    definition of stress

  2. Thank you, Michael :) And some people work better under the stress of stress... Essentially, though, as you stated, "excessive stress can be fatal to our health".. That is what we need to steer clear of.
    Peace, KB
