Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stairway to Heaven

“Stairway to Heaven”
Performed by Led Zepellin written by Jimmy Page.
          Tonight I was on my way to fill my tank with gas on the way to retrieving my daughter from work.  I was very sleepy having just put my little one to bed in a dark, warm cozy room so I was in a peaceful contemplative mood.  Being I grew up with older brothers during the Led Zepellin era, their songs are all ingrained in me.  I played Barbies while my bros had their bluesy-rock, sultry sounds blaring from the rooms next door.  Unbeknownst to me I grew to know every song (but not their titles) and developed a deep love for the music.  As the years progressed, I still listened to them but really only with my ears and not my soul.  Being the lyrics were embedded in me so very long ago when I was so young, I didn’t really understand them or even try to. 
          Tonight was a different story.  I felt like I not only “heard” the lyrics, but I “felt” them as well.  A new awareness of what they might mean came over me in a quiet knowing.  Being that art (music ) of all forms is left to the imagination and interpretation I am going to share what my thoughts/feelings were this quiet evening drive.  The reason for the long intro into this blog is because I have such a huge respect and appreciation for what I believe to be one of the greatest  bands of all time. I only wish to share with you what I believe the message Jimmy Page was sending out to the people.
“And a new day will dawn for those who stand long and the forests will echo with laughter.”
My Interpretation:
I believe this speaks of those of us who stand strong (long) in faith no matter what happens in our life. Those are the ones who will find happiness on the other side.  Those who stand strong in the storms of life will emerge on the other side to a beautiful day. At all times throughout life, we have choices:

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on."

  We have the choice to take the high road or the low road- to take the path of least resistance or the path that feels “right” no matter what the resistance.  We can keep trudging forward through the muck and mud or we can let it swallow us up.
For all of you who never give up- For all of you that accept your trials and rise above- For all of you that have found  yourself off path and redirected your life- For all of you that stay strong in faith no matter what…
This song is their gift to you…

Friday, January 28, 2011

Allow Your Emotions to Surface

Are you someone who suppresses your emotions and holds in what you are feeling?  Are you afraid of confrontation and therefore, do not share what it is that is bothering you?  Our society is plagued with non-expression.  Somewhere along the line we were taught that to express ourselves was wrong.  Is this true?
Being a person who is constantly seeking a higher understanding and peace, I delved into this recently.  Although I always considered myself an expressive, what I discovered that this was not really 100% true.  I discovered that there were times when I wasn’t truly being authentic with my feelings.  My reasons ranged from not wanting to confront another (fear of being belittled for my feelings) to not wanting to worry or upset another, to a fear of “losing their love” if I spoke my piece to not wanting anyone’s pity.
Oftentimes a heavy emotion can be a flashing light that something is amiss and needs our attention.  It is an indicator that there is a unbalance happening and we need to explore it further in order to restore harmony within.
Recently, something happened to me that made me very angry.  Being a person that doesn’t really get angry over much, this emotion was very foreign to me and I did not like it!  I subconsciously did everything I could to not feel this anger, although fragments of it would pop in here and there.  It was big, it was strong and it felt gross!  So one day after reading some literature on this, I decided to sink fully into this feeling.  I was alone driving in circles around my neighborhood and I let it come in full force!  I started cussing out the person who did this to me and I started to cry… I    was    angry!!!   Then something miraculous happened… it only lasted about 1-2 minutes!  I kind of just sat there looking around thinking, "So that's it?". I let the full range of my anger out, I looked it straight in the eye and it wasn’t nearly as scary as I subconsciously thought it was. 
I realized I had been holding that in for approximately 2 years!!  Now here’s the paradox.  What had been holding me back, silently festering in my soul, was brought straight up to the light and poof! it was gone! I couldn’t believe it.  I thought that if I let it come in, it would get bigger when in truth it got smaller!  Additionally, I was able to replace my anger with a deep compassion for the person.  I fully realized how he was doing the very best he could with the pain that he was carrying around.  How could I judge him when he truly knows not what he did? 
     Still a bit in awe of this process,  I checked in with myself several times in the coming weeks to see how I was feeling and the intense anger had been diminished from a 10 to a 2 (and still is).  All of that in less than 2 minutes…  Fascinating…
Please know that this does not mean it will work exactly the same way for you.  We are all at different places in our growth and healing and there are no set rules.  This story holds relevance to me in the fact that I finally “allowed the feeling in” and was astounded at how the exact opposite happened to what I had thought.

My Realization:
I realized that in order for anything to be healed it must first be brought up to the light.  That which is brought up to the light can be healed and transcended.  Feeling it “only a little bit”, does not work.  Let it out!  Look at it, feel it!  Then let it go…  It no longer serves you.

Is there any intense emotion that you are subconsciously hiding away?  Are you willing to take 5 minutes of your day to sit with it?  Let it come in full force.  Feel the full extent of it and then release it lovingly from your body.  An unattended, deep emotion will only fester.  Additionally, it will oftentimes change forms into resentment and/or self-loathing and it will only block our path to living a joyful life.                 Namaste’

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unconditional Love Means Letting Go

What is unconditional love?  The standard of society claims to love unconditionally, but do they?  Loving unconditionally means loving  UN-CON-DIT-ION-ALLY.  It means loving someone no matter what.  It means honoring the light and God love that is in each and every one of us regardless of their behavior or weaknesses.  It’s about loving someone for who they are not for what they can bring to us.  It’s about honoring another’s path and allowing them the freedom to do what is best for them not what we believe to be best for them.
         During my “Growth Year” (which I tenderly refer to a very difficult time in my life), this was one of the main lessons I learned.  Loving unconditionally is easy for me in most areas but difficult for me in the area of a romantic relationship.  I had met and quickly fell in love with a beautiful man who I thought to be ‘the one’.  He held every attribute I could name that I wanted in a partner.  I thought I had won the lottery!  I don’t fall in love easily and have a high standard for who I allow in.  I was sure that this was my reward for all the strife I had been through.
         Many months, countless amazing times and oodles of soul connection later, the relationship ended.  I felt like I had been hit with a 2 x 4!  This could not be happening!  But I was so sure!  He was my hero, he was my twin flame!  I could feel his goodness and love.  Paradoxically, what the relationship provided for him was a light on all of his fearful places.  Places within himself that he needed to heal.  He started to recognize these areas and saw the way his behavior effected me (and others in his life) and knew he had to work on this FIRST to be able to show up fully for a relationship.
         I mentally kicked and screamed my entire way out.  The idea of not having him in my life was so painful.  I did not want to believe that this was happening.  It just couldn’t be…  I subconsciously hung on for months hoping something would change.  But I later realized, that to love him unconditionally was to let him go with Love and not with sadness,anger or any other emotion.  It would only serve my Ego to bring up all the conversations and broken words.  It would only serve my Ego to attempt to instill guilt.  I love him enough to want what is best for him and if that is to not be with me, then so it is.  To love something is to let it go…  It is allowing personal freedom to those whom we love so they may find themselves and honor their own paths (no matter who they are in our lives).  I finally understood what that meant and I was willing to do just that.  Contrarily, I also came to realize this was the best thing for me as well.  I had areas in myself that needed attention and healing as well. The timing just wasn’t right... and I honor him for knowing this in the forefront. 
         He still creeps into my mind and I see/hear reminders of him all of the time.   Instead of feeling sad or some other low emotion, I smile and know that I was graced with a beautiful soul to assist me in this life.  For that, I will be forever grateful.  I then picture him encased in brilliant white light, I tell him I love him and I send him away.
I Let Go….

Monday, January 24, 2011

Changing Your Inner Dialogue and Need to Control

If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”            Deepok Chopra

In Kristen’s words:
Practicing the art of changing my inner dialogue, has literally changed my life!  Whenever a negative, self-defeating or judgmental dialogue starts to come into my random thinking, I simply- Cancel, Clear, Delete.  I discovered that if the thoughts running through my mind are not Love-based, they are unserving and I will continue to attract and manifest negative things into my life.  Some days are easier than others, but as time goes on, it is becoming a habit and I find myself more peaceful and joyful on a day to day basis.  Things that use to illicit a lasting negative emotional response in me no longer have any power.  I had no idea that I was creating my reality by my thoughts!  I invite you to try this!  It will seem very difficult at first, but like anything, if you keep it up, it will become a habit and you, too, can travel more peacefully through your days.
Releasing the need to control outcomes has also been a powerful change for me.  Last year, I was put into a situation that was not only life altering, but extremely emotionally painful.  I had been in practice (or at least very aware of the practice) of releasing the need to control.  In areas of my life that were not that big of a deal, it was easy.  But in some areas I struggled terribly.  During my Growth Year (as I like to call it instead of Hell Year J) I found myself calling upon this very thing over and over.  I found myself literally on my knees praying:  “Dear God, I give this to you…  This is bigger than me and I know you have the perfect plan.  I trust that you will deliver me (us) through this in the most perfect way.”  I would say it as often as I needed.  Sometimes I just said it to convince myself!  As the year unfolded, it all worked out perfectly…  Everything was/is in Divine Order and I truly believe that is because I left it up to the Universe to handle for me.  I allowed it all to present itself to me in right timing.  I didn’t want to mess up what was going on behind the scenes so I stayed out of it.  I sat back in faith.  I didn’t however sit on the couch eating Bon-Bons!  I paid close attention to signs and signals that would keep me moving in the forward direction.  And I can honestly say I am back on path!  A bumpy detour led me to a better direction than I could have ever imagined.
Release the need to control.  We only think we know what we are doing when in truth, only Source does.              Blessings,  KB

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting out of Chaos and into the Now

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind."
-- William James

Lying in bed beside my little girl listening to her breathe while she sleeps…  Being totally and completely absorbed in the Now.  Feeling the warmth of her little body curled up next to mine.  Smelling the vague scent of a candle burning in the other room.  Hearing the sound of the TV as my folks are happily watching “Mama Mia” together.  Living is about those exact moments.  It’s not about the material world and what we have.  It’s about loving completely while we are here.  It’s about completely feeling the grace that is all around us.  Enjoying with deep gratitude the blessings that we have.
I realize not all moments are as serene as this one I describe.  But to continue the story, I left the bedroom to go write in my study and my oldest comes in and says,  “Remy just puked all over the bed!”  It wasn’t 5 minutes after I left the room.  She woke up in the middle of her peaceful slumber and let it rip… ! So the chaos began…  But in the middle of all of that, staying in the Now brought joy to the scene instead of negativity.  There was no drama, there was no negative emotions, just a steady stream of focus on the Now.  It’s amazing to me how when we refuse to get caught up in anything other than love, life flows with joy…
Living with my parents and 3 children can be a recipe for chaos.  But choosing to live in each moment as it arises and not allowing the chaos to consume me sets the stage for a peaceful living environment for all, no matter what comes up.  And believe me, it comes up!  There is never a dull moment around here.
I invite you to choose the Now over chaos.  Go with the flow.  Understand and grasp that right Now only happens once and then that moment is gone forever.  Don’t allow another moment to go by without relishing in it’s wonder no matter what it is.
This may seem impossible at first, but I promise, with continued focused, this can be your life…  Allow yourself time to adjust.  Allow yourself the human-ness of falling down as we all do.  And then refocus and move ahead!

Blessings to you and living your Now!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Preparing for a Relationship- Lesson 2

Preparing for a Relationship Workshop:
Lesson 2-
1.     Remember the Law of Attraction!  Our thoughts manifest into our reality.  If we are sure we will find our perfect love then so it will be!  Keep your thoughts high and positive.  Do not let yourself get down or negative.  This changes the way the universe reads your desires.  If one is always saying, “There are no good women/men out there.”  Guess, what?  There won’t be.  You will find that you attract people of that nature and it will only strengthen your thoughts.  Change your thoughts around.  Only positive thoughts and high self-talk for you!  We are all deserving of love.  We are put on this planet to love.  To think that you are different and undeserving from the rest of the world is preposterous.
2.     Be aware of who the universe puts in front of you.  He/she may not be “the one” but it could be someone who leads you to “the one”.  Be open, kind and considerate to all who come into your path.  Be genuine.  We are all connected.  One new person of any age or gender may lead us to our beloved.  Be open to receive!
3.     Open up your world.  It’s not likely that we will find someone if we hole up at home every night.  Go for a coffee with a friend.  Take people up on offers of a night out even if it is something a bit outside your comfort zone. (This is not to say do things that are outside your values) Let me explain:  Oftentimes we say no to something because we just don’t want to get off the couch or we won’t know anyone at the gathering or it’s not something you have done before.  Be open!  You are changing and evolving all of the time, so are others.  One never knows where one might meet their love!
4.     Relax…  Don’t be afraid to be yourself.  After all, we want to attract someone who loves us completely for who we are.  If we play “pretend” that we are someone else, we are not being authentic and actually lying about who we are.  We may not even know we are doing it, but to say, “Oh, I love car racing!” when we actually despise it, is not being authentic and when one is not authentically who they are it is a recipe for resentment later on in the relationship.  This workshop is about showing up whole and complete so you may attract someone whole and complete!

I honor the seeker in you which brought you to this article.  You are light, you are love, and you are loved!


Preparing for a Relationship Workshop- Lesson 1

Preparing for a Relationship Workshop:
Lesson 1-
1.      Make a list of all the attributes you wish your mate to have.  Be specific and make the list as long as you like.  What would be absolutely ideal for you?  Make a conscious effort to stay away from material issues like what he/she should look like or how much money he/she should make.  Those items tend to fall into place when we match up correctly with someone of like mind, heart, soul and values.
2.     Now take a long look at your list.  This is the time for complete personal honesty.  As you are reading down your list, look at each item and compare that item to what you know to be true about yourself.  Do you have the same attribute(s) you are looking for in someone else?  We will attract people of like vibration.  For example:  I want someone who is very secure in his/her self.  Are you secure in yourself?  Are you absolutely sure you are secure in yourself?  If you are unsure, consult a good friend who loves you enough to be honest with you or a life coach.  Lasering in on who we are is key here.
3.     Work on the traits that you may be lacking in.  The higher our vibration, the higher vibrational people we will attract to us.  The first step in healing anything in ourselves is first recognizing it.  Bring it to the surface.  Acknowledge it is there. Accept yourself as human and do not let this new found information upset you.  Let it encourage you! You are on the path to healing and greatness and all seekers must first recognize who they are in order to transcend the behavior.  *According to what the behavior/trait is that you are working on, it may take days to months to come to a place of healing.  The good news is you are on your way!  And even if you haven’t overcome it completely that doesn’t mean that you are not ready for a relationship.  Oftentimes, we can only do so much work ourselves and then the rest of the growth comes while within a relationship.   But by being fully aware of yourself and being honest about your triggers or weak places, it not only makes you aware of this, but the other person as well.   How can we lose weight until we recognize that we are overweight?  It’s the same idea.

When you feel ready, move on to- 
 Preparing for a Relationship Workshop:   Lesson 2

Many blessings,  KB

Monday, January 17, 2011

Other's Opinions are Less Important...

I love this passage!  I believe I love this passage so much because it speaks directly to me and certain times in my life where I looked outside myself for approval and affirmation when I had all I needed within. 

Other's Opinion Are Less Important Than My Personal Guidance System... You did not intend to use the opinions of your parents to measure against your beliefs, desires, or actions in order to determine the appropriateness of them. Instead, you knew (and still remembered, long after you were born) that it was the relationship between the opinion (or knowledge) of the Source within you and your current thoughts, in any moment, that would offer you perfect guidance in the form of emotions. You did not intend to replace your Emotional Guidance System with the opinions of your parents even if they were in harmony with their Emotional Guidance System in the moment of their trying to guide you. It was much more important to you to recognize the existence of your own Guidance System, and to utilize it, than to be deemed correct by, or to find approval from, others.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

          To paraphrase this excerpt:
 We tend to listen to others opinions above our own divine guidance system.  We look outside ourselves for the answer when it is already with us.  Even when we consult with others who we fully trust, the truth is, WE are the only true source of what is good for us.  That is why it is so important to get quiet and go within when needing guidance.
 Sometimes the answer we hear is not the easiest route though.  Sometimes it will make us squirm in our seats, but it is the correct route and we could bypass weeks, months or even years of distress if we just follow what our inner guidance is telling us.  Intuition is never wrong.  If you have found that your “intuition” was wrong, then it wasn’t really your intuition, but a fearful thought craftily designed by your ego.
Trust yourself.  You are your own best judge of what is right and correct for you.   
Peace  J
For more on this topic please read: 
“Believe in Yourself and Your Divine Messages”    

Martin Luther King Jr. Quote

“When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact that modern man suffers from a kind of poverty of the spirit, which stands in glaring contrast with a scientific and technological abundance. We've learned to fly the air as birds, we've learned to swim the seas as fish, yet we haven't learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hold Nothing Back from Yourself

In order to find healing, peace and clarity, we must first be absolutely honest with ourselves.  It's time to look inside and discover the emotions that are clear pathways to a deeper awareness of self and discovery.

An excerpt from:  Daily Guidance from Your Angels-   Doreen Virtue

     You have many important inner conversations, many of which you're completley unaware of.  Sharing with yourself is vitally important, so what would you like to admit to yourself right now?  Sometimes it's just a matter of giving yourself the opportunity to practice self-honesty.
     Some of your emotions may worry, frighten, or intimidate you, so you keep them from your conscious awareness.  You may be ashamed of your feelings, yet admitting them to yourself is important for happiness and healing.  (You don't need to act upon these emotions, but it is important to admit them to yourself.)  In doing so, you'll understand the reason why they arise, and you'll gain compassion for yourself.
     Self-honesty is the cornerstone of self-awareness, which, in turn, is the foundation of self-love.  When you know who you are, you can better accept yourself.  Have the intention today of eavesdropping upon your own inner conversations;  and try to keep a sense of humor, compassion, and love toward them.  Hold nothing back from yourself, and candidly converse about every topic, airing your deepest feelings-and then take the risk of expressing them trhough writing, singing, dancing, or some other creative outlet.

Enjoy a peaceful day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Mantras and Affirmations

Daily mantras and affirmations are a powerful way to keep your thoughts positive and manifesting wonderful things into your life.  Pick a mantra for today and everyday.  Replay it over in your mind when your mind starts to run away with the negative thoughts.  Keep your focus on your greatness and nothing else.  Your best life is waiting for you!  Feel free to choose a mantra/affirmation from the list below or create your own!  


·       I listen carefully to the voice that tells me when I need to make a change.
·       I have a supportive group of friends who encourage me and help keep me on track.
·       I handle minor frustrations without distraction.
·       I keep my energy for my own work.
·       I honor my life’s abundance.
·       I honor my new field of expression and a different way to serve others.
·       I hold all my experiences up to the light of love.
·       I am powerful in my professional life.
·       I am safe and let life flow joyously.
·       I accept all the lessons that life gives me.
·       I choose to love and approve of myself.
·       I am the creative power in my world.
·       I move forward in life with ease and joy.
·       My creative thoughts flow freely and easily.
·       I am deeply centered and peaceful in my life.
·       I go beyond other people’s fears and limitations.
·       I easily flow with new experiences, new directions, and new changes.
·       I am now willing to see my own magnificence and power.
·       I open myself up to hearing the Universe’s messages.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When to Offer Advice

I read a quote once that said, “Wisdom is knowing when to offer your knowledge and when to keep silent”.  Being a woman of speaking, and speaking a lot, I pondered this statement for a moment and decided it was absolutely true.  It isn’t about what we know, it’s about when to say it.  If someone isn’t ready to hear what we have already learned or what could propel them forward with empowerment, it is truly best to sustain.  Everything in divine timing.
Sometimes, all the person really wants is an ear to listen.  They merely need to just get the emotions out of his/her body!  They are feeling a boiling point of  emotion and just need to vent.  Remembering this is about them and not you in key!
Being an intuitive and life coach, this is not always easy for me.  Oftentimes, I can see right through the issue and “know” what would clear it up.  But, that isn’t what people are always wanting/needing.  It’s a strange and difficult dance for me as it may be for you as well.  What I have tried to do is ask the person, “Would you like to hear my thoughts or would you prefer I just listen?”  With that one statement, I have gotten both responses.  Yes, please do!  Or, I just really need a friend/sounding board right now.  And Bang!  They got it!  The key is knowing that we cannot help someone who is not seeking help.  We can only offer our assistance to someone who is seeking help or give them the space they need. Otherwise, we are infringing on their personal growth and awareness and this can be a turnoff to people.  “Just trying to help” can backfire and leave the person feeling angry and resentful with us rather than peaceful and calm. 
Again, for me holding the gift of intuition, this was hard for me to learn being I just wanted to blurt out what came to me!  Though time and practice has proven to me I can be of more assistance if I hold space for my friends/family in just the perfect way they need it at the time.  Consequently, I feel like I am showing up better for people in my life and loving them the way that works best for them.  And when I can be a source of love and light for people, I am at my happiest.  J

Lost in a Masquerade...

“We tried to talk it over, but the words got in the way”.  George Benson
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you can feel what the other is trying to say, but when you listen to his words, it doesn’t jive…?  Why is it as human beings we need the words?  Why can’t we go with what our heart/intuition is hearing?  I use to get caught up in that a lot.  And I occasionally fall into that old habit still.  It is something that comes easily to me within subject matters that aren’t that important to me, but when it’s an emotionally charged topic, I seemed to struggle more.  My human need to feel safe and in control gets in the way.  One of my biggest lessons of 2010 was to listen with my whole body and not just to the string of the nouns and verbs, especially in emotionally charged, personal situations.  You might think it a difficult task?  Maybe at first, but with all things, it takes patience of self and practice.  Taking a minute before or even during a conversation of such and taking a few deep cleansing, centering breaths helps immensely!
When one can figuratively step back, get quiet within and listen with his whole body, the truth becomes obvious.  I believe it is important to remember we all come from a plethora of different backgrounds, fears and beliefs, thus, making speech communication difficult at times.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Are you willing to try something new?  How about feeling your way through a conversation rather than reacting to another’s words?  How about sensing where the truth is and then taking careful consideration when choosing your words?  And when in doubt, be willing to restate back to your partner what it is you hear they are saying.  This is not to say we are always going to like what we are hearing or that people are being honest with themselves, much less to us, but it is one, giant step closer to doing away with miscommunication.   Good communication is vital in living an authentic life. 
Blessings to you and all who you communicate with.   J 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What is an Empath?

An Empath is a person who has a high degree of sensitivity to other peoples’ emotions,  problems and even physical symptoms.  An Empath will sense, either physically or emotionally, how others are feeling.  An Empath will be able to detect immediately when someone is lying or is not expressing themselves authentically even when the person may be not even be aware of it themselves. They will even know the reason behind the lie. They are highly sensitive to violence and/or shocking emotional dramas and most often have a difficult time watching TV, videos or new stations.
          Being an Empath has been called a “curse” as well as a “gift” and with good reason.  Before one recognizes why they are feeling so many feelings at once and how they know things long before everyone else does, can make one feel quite different and oftentimes a little wacky!  But the truth is, the Empath can feel beyond the spoken word and in conjunction with body language and facial expressions, the Empath’s “feelings” about one’s situation are usually frighteningly accurate.  One might think it would be fun to be an Empath, but I assure you, it can be quite draining and miserable until it is learned to be handled effectively.  Empathy is one of the many spiritual healing gifts.  When understood and practiced, it can used as a vessel for healing for many.
Conversely, before one realizes what this ability is, they oftentimes will be called a “know it all” because, guess what, they do!  But one of the pitfalls of not yet understanding this gift is, the Empath will sometimes invade other’s space or awareness because it is all very clear to him/her what is going on in a situation and they want to help.  But a person will feel invaded and sometimes controlled if an Empath tries to help when someone is not quite there yet.  An evolved Empath will learn the delicate dance of setting loving boundaries and offering their assistance only when asked for.  We, as humans, are here to grow and learn and when someone attempts to interfere with our own growth and soul lessons, we unconsciously will become angry or resentful toward that person without even knowing why. 
If this article is sounding familiar to you or ringing bells in your soul, you could potentially be an Empath!  Never fear, it is a gift from God even though it will feel overwhelming at times.  It’s about helping to guide and assist growth in others on this planet.  I invite you to research the topic more and determine if this fits you.  If yes, accept your gift with grace. You have been chosen to become a conduit for peace, growth and healing of others.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Know That You've Already Won

     When you see an advertisement saying that you may have already won a jackpot, your body becomes activated with excitement.  Yet such words are true:  You have already won!
     Every prize imaginable in this life is yours, so there's no need for you to search any longer.  You're already the winner, and you claim your prizes through affirmative thinking and positive emotions.  Imagine what it feels like to swim in a sea of your manifested desires.  Retain that sensation, along with your gratitude, and it shall be done.
     You're a winner through and through.  The more you know this fact, the more you live it.

Doreen Virtue

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Give Your Love

I believe as human beings we underestimate who we truly are and what we have to give.  The universal power of love is considered the most powerful force in the universe.  A gentle touch, a smile or an act of kindness has the ability to feed the soul of many.  It’s astonishing how something that costs us nothing and can be accessed at any moment has the capacity to turn a situation around for someone in need.  Sometimes all we need to know is that someone cares.
          We are here to love and encourage one another.   We are all in this life together.  The gift of your love to another is one of the most powerful gifts you can ever give.  People don’t walk away from us remembering what we said, they remember how we made them feel.  How do you want people to feel after having been with you?
          Dr. Leo Buscaglia states,  “If you miss the love, you miss your life.”  He is not only referring to what you give out, but what you receive as well.  In surveys, it has been shown that roughly 85% of people have a harder time receiving love than giving it.  It has been said, to receive love is a great act of generosity.  Interpreted that means: When we allow others to give to us, we are inadvertently giving to them.  We are allowing them to feel the warmth and beauty that accompanies an act of love.  So by receiving their gift we are actually giving in turn.
          Take a moment today to reflect on your life.  Is there someone you could be showing a bit more love to?  Is there somewhere in your life you have been holding out giving the tender, exquisite gift of your love?  I invite you today to GIVE IT AWAY!  We are all born with an abundance of love!  Show others they are special to you.  It is a proven fact that when love is given, a ripple effect ensues!  It keeps spreading out further and further and further.  Be willing to start the ripple today!  J
Peace and Love,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting Out of Our Own Way

What does it mean “to get out of our own way?”  Spiritually speaking, this is a statement used quite frequently.   Essentially, it means that one must step aside, quiet the mind and let Spirit (God, Source, Universe) speak to us and guide us to our next step.
        I have seen a lot of people that are yearning and crying for their life to change.  They are unhappy with how things are going for them and they so desperately want to make a change.  However, we as humans either come from a place of faith, trust and love or we come from a place of fear and doubt.  Oftentimes, people talk themselves out of making a change, even a little one, because within the current life they are living, they at least know what to expect and the thought of making a change can be terrifying .  Hence, they are standing in their own way…  The only way for there to be change is for there to be change.
        If you are currently in a position where you just can’t stand it any longer.  Something needs to change.  Consider this:  What can you do to illicit a change?  How can your behavior, attitude or perception change?  We can only change ourselves.  No one can change us and we can not change anyone else. 
        As I’ve coached people through this roadblock and they awakened to the idea of “getting out of their own way”, I watched in wonder and awe as their lives started to give way to fascinating new things!  I feel like a Momma watching her baby take his first steps!  I sit by and watch it all happen before my eyes and how joyful this not only makes them, but me as well! 
        I’m here to say, it is not as hard as it may seem.  All it takes is the willingness to release the stubborn thoughtforms and ideas and listen for your divine guidance to present to you your next step.  The universe will only give you what you can handle so feel safe in knowing that this next move will only propel you forward into the joyous life you seek.
The Five Step process-
1.     Acknowledge the need for change.
2.   Be willing.
3.   Release to the Universe.
4.   Have faith.
5.   Listen to your messages.
I applaud you for taking the very first step by reading this article and I double applaud you for the changes in perception you are no doubt on the road to making!
Peace and love,

Acknowledge Your Inner Genius

     You have an inner genius inside of you, a wise and knowing self who enjoys learning, teaching, and intellectual stimulation.  Focus today on caring for this being within.
     Make it a point to learn something  new, such as a word, skill, song or technique.   Congratulate yourself on this experience, feel the joy that your inner genius exudes, and know that this brilliance is you!

Doreen Virtue

Friday, January 7, 2011

Teach Your Children Good Decision Making Skills

As soon as my children were capable of understanding the difference between 2 whole and separate ideas, I started teaching them to make their own decisions.  This started when they were around 5 years old.  Example:  Would you like 2 cookies or would you like a piece of pie?  You can not have both.  We would talk about the pros and cons of both ideas and then I would figuratively step back and allow them to process the decision for themselves.  As their parent, when they do make their decision, we must be willing to hold the ground and not give in to them wanting the “other” choice if choice “A” did not work out.  This teaches them that even if the first choice does not work out, they will be “rescued” with choice “B” anyway.  And we all know that out in the real world, that does not happen.
As they got older and started to comprehend a deeper awareness I would encourage the children to get “quiet within” and to “feel” which decision would be the better one for them.  I further explained to them that the best decisions I made were the ones where I followed my inner voice, my gut, my intuition- whatever one may call our divine guidance within.  We all have had those instances where we said, “I knew I should have made the other choice!”  That knowing is our divine guidance.
In doing this, many times they have said, “I know what I should do, but I really don’t want to do that!”  Again, I stepped back to allow them to make the decision themselves.  And 100% of the time, when they didn’t follow their intuition, they wished they had!

*When speaking of decisions, I am talking about the random, simple life decisions that come up for children.  Ie. Whose party should I attend?  Should I tell so-and-so what was said about them?  I let them factor through the simpler things that come up for them.  For the extremely important adult decisions, I, of course, would make those.

The point of this article is to encourage everyone to allow your children to blossom!  Allow them to see what making one decision over another brings to them.  Teach them to own their own life, their own decisions and behaviors.  We, as parents, are in the job of raising children into high-functioning adults.  Adults that know the repercussions of certain decisions and adults who will contemplate choices before going with the easiest or the most fun.  Because sometimes the “right” decision may be the harder choice to make, but in the end it works out perfectly.
My 2 oldest children are now teenagers living the high school life.   We all know how high school is an incredible emotional growth period for us.  They still come to me regarding their decisions, but to watch them “feel” their way through the decision-making process is remarkable to watch.  I’m definitely not here to say they are perfect (nor am I), but I wanted to share something that I practiced with my children and that has paid off immensely!
I invite every parent to refrain from rushing in to “save” the child thinking only we know what is best (except in serious situations, of course).  Our children have their very own inner guidance system as we do and the best thing we can do is help them develop theirs. The best gift we can give our children is good life skills and healthy decision making is one of them!  J
Happy Parenting!